Bags of Love – Championing the immediate needs of the displaced child

Becky Millay - Bags of Love Director


This project was brought about by the growing need of children that are displaced because of parents making the wrong choices.  The children who are removed by the Child Protective Services are victims of abuse and neglect from parents or caregivers.  Other cases of displacement can be moving to a homeless shelter or suffering from a house fire.

Children often can take nothing with them.  They have lost their home, personal belongings and often times, their parents.

Our “Bags of Love” are designed to take care of the children’s immediate basic needs when they are removed from the home.  This bag is 
“Their Very Own.”  It is often all they have for those first few frightening hours.  

The contents of the bags are very basic:  Small hand-made comforter, personal care items (comb, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.), 2 toys for children 12 years and younger (older children have different items age appropriate).  All items are combined and placed in a “duffel bag”  so they may keep their treasures together.

If you would like to have more information contact our “Bags of Love” director, Becky Millay (207) 314-8952